CLAWS has labratory to fabrication capabilities to bring next generation research to fruition.
Hub Goals
- Enable Leap-Ahead Innovation
- Enable Technology Transition
- Workforce Development
- Economic Competitiveness
Key Hub Capabilities
- Expertise in high voltage Silicon Carbide High Voltage Devices from epitaxy through package
- Expertise in RF Gallium Nitride and UWBG Devices from substrates and epitaxy through packaging
- Expertise in Ill-Nitride Photonics for LEDs, Lasers, ultraviolet/visible wavelength integrated photonic circuits
- Expertise in UWBG Materials: AIN, AIGaN, Diamond, Gallium Oxide, epitaxy through test and packaging
- Research Development Kit support for technology/manufacturing accessibility, rapid technology transition
- Hub development and engineering and workforce development activities are primarily focused on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors but extend to application areas where WBG semiconductors can be used, including Electronic Warfare, 5G/6G, Sensors, quantum, and other areas of DOD and civilian interest