Workforce Development
Our Education and Workforce Efforts scale with in-progress prototype projects to ensure relevance, involvement and sustainment of workforce activities.
The CLAWS Workforce Development (WFD) Mission
- identify and engage U.S. citizen future microelectronics workers at an early age, supporting and training them in cohorts throughout their degree programs to be career-ready at graduation
- advance the careers of current microelectronics employees
- host scholars in residence to prepare highly educated U.S. citizens, including DoD SMART Scholars, for microelectronics R&D careers in support of national defense needs
Beginning as early as K-12 level students and classrooms, the CLAWS WFD activities enable us to target and achieve participation by future U.S. citizen workers from a variety of backgrounds and demographics, while addressing the immediate needs of the industry. This approach leverages and strengthens a pre-existent regional ecosystem that includes high school (HS) outreach programs, community colleges (CCs), engineering institutions, HBCUs, MSIs, and semiconductor companies (several of which are CLAWS partners).
CLAWS Workforce Development Approach
CLAWS activities that address WFD needs include:
- Apprenticeship Programs
- Equipment/Staff at Community Colleges
- Summer Programs at NC State and NC A&T
- Specialized Short Courses
- Expanded Course Involvement
- Community College Involvement
- Undergraduate Research
- Engagement with DOD SMART Fellowship Program.
- Outreach to K-12
- Intensive Training of more than 100 students/year
- Exposure to Semiconductor Career opportunities more than 1000 Students/year
Baseline Leveraging
- NC A&T HBCU Expertise
- North Carolina Community College partnerships
- Regional Innovation Networks
- National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure
- Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN)
- Southeastern Nanotechnology Infrastructure Corridor (SENIC)/Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)
- Industry Partners Co-development of workforce